B2B-shop med försäljning till företag

Terms and Conditions

- General terms
- Order
- Delivery
- Payment
- Product information
- Returns
- Complaints
- Force Majeure
- Privacy  Policy

General terms


The Terms and Conditions applies when you place an order in our  webshop. An agreement is made between you and Jonic Textilimport, org.  no. 969609-4896.


All prices are shown in Euro (EUR). You are able to choose if you  would like to see the prices with or without VAT, on computers you  change it up in the right corner and on smaller units in the menu to the  left. If you would like to see the prices in swedish crowns (SEK), we  would recommend you to choose swedish as language on the website.


We reserve the right for eventual typing errors, product changes,  price adjustments, colour deviation and unavailable products. We also  reserve the right to adjust eventual price errors before and after the  order is processed. We always strive for our photos to be as  representative as possible, but can not guarantee that all photos  represent the real colour. Due to the difficulties to show the exact  colour, colour abnormalities may occur.


All fraud attempts to will be notified to the police and Jonic  Textilimport reserve the right to cancel the order if fraud is feared.  All products remain our property until full payment is provided. 


We reserve the right to make changes in our Terms and Conditions. All  changes will be published on the website and applies from the moment  you accept the terms. We recommend you to stay updated regularly to  become aware of eventual changes.




To place an order in our webshop you have to be 18 years old, if you  are younger you have to get permission from your guardian. When you have  confirmed the purchase by sending us your order you are commited to pay  your order and have approved our conditions and terms.


When you order is placed it will directly be sent to packaging where  it will be gathered, cut and packed. That is the resason why there is no  possibility for you to change or add to your order, get it shipped with  another order or get it cancelled.


When we receieve your order you will get an automatic order  confirmation sent to you. If you don’t receieve one shortly after you  placed your order and it is possible that you misspelled your  e-mailaddress, please contact us and inform us about the right  e-mailaddress. It is important that we have the right one, since it is  via your e-mailaddress we will be contacting you with any messages or  questions we might have about your order.


Unforunately it sometimes happens that a product is out of stock, and  if it happens we will contact you by e-mail as soon as we notice. You  will then get a chance to do changes on your order, wait for another  delivery of the product and you also have the right to cancel your order  if you want to.




Your order will be shipped from us within 1-3 working days. If there  are pre-order on order, the entire order is sent when it is complete.


We ship to countries within the European Union*. The packages are  sent with Postnord letter or DHL depending on the weight and value of  the package. Small orders with haberdashery or a little piece of fabric,  can often be sent as a letter with Postnord. For larger packages there  are different shipping methods to choose between, depending on your  country. You are always able to see the shipping method and shipping  cost at the checkout.


*= We do not deliver to Germany (DE), Åland (FI), Greenland (DK),  Faroe islands (DK), Aruba (NL), Bonaire (NL), Curacao (NL), Saba (NL),  Sint Maarten (NL) or Sint Eustaius (NL).


Postnord Letter 


 This alternative is only available for lightweight orders with a  lower value. Your order will in most cases be sent to your mailbox, and  if it is too big it will be delivered to your nearest Post office for  pickup. Depending on the weight, shipping cost is 3.55 EUR or 4.45 EUR.


DHL Parcel Connect


Your package will be sent to a pick up point where you will be able to pick it up. To find your nearest DHL Parcelshop: click here


DHL Parcel Export


Your package will be delivered to your address. Delivery will be made  during daytime and without notification, which assumes that you are on  place to receive your package.


DHL Economy Select


Your package is sent to the delivery address. Delivery is during  daytime and without notification, which assumes that you are on place to  receive your package.



Delivery charge

If your order is lightweight,  there will be an option at the checkout where you can choose to have it  sent with Postnord Letter at 3.35 EUR or 4.45 EUR.


Parcel Connect    
Economy Select

35 EUR
13 EUR
35 EUR
16 EUR
-35 EUR
16 EUR
35 EUR
35 EUR
Czech Republic    
35 EUR
11 EUR
35 EUR
11 EUR
13 EUR
35 EUR
11 EUR
35 EUR
16 EUR
35 EUR


35 EUR
16 EUR
35 EUR
16 EUR
35 EUR
35 EUR
11 EUR
13 EUR
35 EUR
11 EUR
13 EUR
35 EUR
13 EUR
35 EUR
35 EUR
13 EUR
35 EUR
35 EUR
16 EUR
35 EUR
16 EUR
35 EUR
35 EUR
16 EUR
35 EUR
16 EUR
35 EUR
United Kingdom
35 EUR


Changes in the delivery errand


If you by mistake entered the wrong name, address or ZIP code and the  order is sent from us, we need to make a change in the delivery errand.  This change will cost 21 EUR including VAT which is what the logistic  company charges, without any addition from our side. The logistic  company has at least 24 hours office turn around time for a change like  this.


Unclaimed packages


Packages that have not been picked up is not covered by distans- och  hemförsäljningslagen in Sweden. For packages that have not been picked  up Jonic Textil will demand a fee of 24 EUR including VAT, which is  equal to the shipping costs for sending and returning the package to us.  It will be cheaper for you to pick up your package and then send it  back to us yourself, that it will be if it is returned because it have  not been picked up. 







Product information




The shortest length on fabrics vary between 0,5 meters and 1 meter. On ribbons it vary between 1 meter and 5 meter.


Whole bolts or rolls is often between 10 meters and 100 meters, it  depends on the kind of fabric or ribbon. To keep in mind when ordering  whole bolts or rolls is that there is no guarantee that you will get all  in one piece, there could be a seam or samplinghole from the  manufacturer.


Digital printed fabrics


Sometimes fibers lies on the fabrics during printing, and the  printing technique used then digitalprinting does that these small  fibers could make some small white dots in the colored print. Since this  is not a production defect, it is not a reason for complaint.


Licensed fabrics


In our assortment we have fabrics that are licensed, mostly famous characters from movies. 


Some of the fabrics are only licensed to be sewn in for private use,  and not to be sewn in to sell the final product. If this is the case,  you could see this in the product description: "Licensed pattern - only  for private use". In cases where the fabrics are not marked with this,  you have permission to sew and sell the final product. Important to know  is that the printer only payed the license to use the character name  for the fabric and not when the product is changed. For example the  fabric is allowed to be named "Mickey Mouse" if you sell it, but when  you sew a garment in the fabric you do not have permission to name or  advertise it after the character or movie. The garment is only allowed  to be named for example "Dress with mice". These requirements are made  due to the company's need of control over how their characters are  advertised.


Care and shrinkage


Please was the fabric after the recommended care advice on the  article. We also recommend you wash the fabric before you cut and sew,  with consideration to shrinkage and excess of color. Almost all fabrics  are shrinking, what you could count on is that linen shrinks about 6%,  cottonfabrics about 5% and knitted fabrics up to 10%.


If you’re using a tumble dryer you should count on that the fabric shrinks more.




You have the right to regret your purchase within 14 days after you  have recieved the order. If you would like to send soemthing back you  pay for the the shipping and are responsible that the products will be  delivered to us.


When you return fabrics they should not be cut or sewn in,  haberdashery should be unused and in the original packaging. If you  return a used product the value is reduced with 100% since we are not  able to sell it again.


You will get your money back within 14 days after we have receieved  and controlled your returned products. We will not pick up products that  are returned with after-claim or by cash on delivery.


Return address: 


Jonic Textilimport
Stormgatan 11
296 32  ÅHUS





If there is some wrong or defect in your order it should be complained within 14 days after you recieved it.


The fabrics should be controlled before you cut and start your sewing, fabrics that have been cut we will not take in return.


We will not take any returns if you have not been in contact with us by e-mail. Send us an e-mail on info@jonic-textil.se where you write your order number, describe the defect and attach photos.



Privacy Policy


The Privacy Policy explains how we collect and process your personal information, it also describes your rights.
You can read Jonic Textilimports Privacy Policy here.